Curriculum Vitae - Carina Tina Beatrice Kaiser
Produktions-Assistentin, Green Consultant, Videomaker

Born on 12 November 1977 in Berlin and raised in Ticino Switzerland, I attended school in Lugano and then the Michelangelo Buonarroti Academy of Fine Arts. I then moved to Zurich, where I took my first steps in the audiovisual field and attended several advanced courses on analyzing film history, shooting techniques, and editing. In 2004, I finally enrolled at the F+F School of Art and Media Design in Zurich. During my film studies, I had the opportunity to work on several projects outside the school (Switzerland and Germany) and was able to gain further practical experience. In 2010, I finally started designing and producing my my film diploma project Die Reisenden/The Travelers (fiction, short film) with a special focus on screenwriting, directing, production, and scenography, which I successfully completed in 2011.

In 2008, during my studies, I founded a small production office for video and photo shoots, where I was able to realize various professional commissions. RAZZIA PRODUCTION emerged from this in 2014. The first professional collaborations with independent production companies, festivals, theaters, and architecture began in 2010, and some continue to this day.

In 2018, I started working with the production company ROUGH CAT Sagl as a production assistant and coordinator on various fictional and documentary projects, which lasted until the beginning of 2024. In spring 2021, I attended and successfully completed further training as a certified green consultant in the field of film and media at the MFG Media University in Stuttgart.

In January 2023, in collaboration with Gudula Meinzolt (producer) and Tanja Koller (makeup artist), we founded the network GFA Green Film Action (AGF Aktion GrĂ¼ner Film) to better connect the Swiss film industry in the field of sustainability in film production, to promote exchange, and to initiate and shape the necessary change in work processes. Since 2024, AGF/GFA has been officially an association.

Deutsche Fassung